sâmbătă, 10 iunie 2023

Proiect eTwinning „Celebrate Europe, Celebrate eTwinning”

 Proicetul s-a derulat în lunile mai-iunie 2023.

Scopul proiectului a fost de a celebra Ziua Europei și Ziua eTwinning prin activități interesante.

Participanti: 37 profesori din 4 țări

Un produs final deosebit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=993o75o8Wo0

                                             Programul activităților  proiectului

Distribution of activities and work between partners:





Beginning of project

- Create Twinspace and invite partners

- Create a work chat on messenger

- Create gmail of the project for

other web tools log-in accounts

- Prepare work Padlets, Jamboard, and other web tools



Beginning of project

- Present work schedule and activities to partners

Founder + Co-founder

During the month of May

- Participate in eTwinning webinars along with other willing partners

- Participate in online meetings

Willing partners

On 9th May

- Celebrate Europe Day and eTwinning Day by organizing different activities with the pupils and uploading them in the eTwinning Facebook group and work Padlets

All partners

Until the 14th of May

- Upload presentations of our countries, towns, kindergartens/schools, and groups/classes in the Twinspace Pages Padlets

- Prepare digital games about Europe and eTwinning and upload them in the Twinspace Pages Padlet

All partners

Until the 20th of May

- Present the other partner's countries, towns, kindergartens/schools, and groups/classes to our children

- Play the digital game with the children

All partners

Until the 27th of May

- Prepare collaborative work

- Prepare end-of-project questionnaires for students, parents, and teachers

All partners

Until the end of May and beginning of June

- Answer the questionnaires for students, parents, and teachers

- Wrap-up work of the project

All partners

Until the end of June

- Apply for Quality Label

Willing partners


                                        Imagini și linkuri din activitățile proiectului 



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